Testing React JS Code

A few months ago, I set out to write tests for a UI project I was working on. I had never written tests for a user interface before. This particular project was written using Facebook’s React framework. I certainly had experience writing what I considered “normal” unit tests for code written in Java and Go at that point. That was relatively easy to do. You simply defined a function that fed input to the function you were testing, and made sure it produced the desired output.

But testing a user interface is not quite so simple. UIs are not traditionally functions that can simply be fed input, and be tested for the desired output. Web UIs are built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Their output is the DOM. So I was rather curious how one would go about writing tests for something like that. How would they be structured? What would they test for?

Enter React

React is a component-based framework, so if used correctly, your UI will be very modular, and composed of independent and isolatable components. These components are reminiscent of functions, and they facilitate the writing of useful tests. They also take input in the form of “props”, further increasing their likeness with functions.

So they are modular, and have inputs. Great. But in order to write tests for them, they must also have some sort of output that can be compared against a predetermined standard to determine correctness. Their output comes in the form of an element in a virtual DOM, which can be manipulated and inspected, and thereby be tested.

Jest and Enzyme

Facebook has created a nice testing library called Jest. It provides a very easy to read API, and a number of utilities that make writing tests much easier. When used with AirBnB’s Enzyme, it becomes possible to write a variety of useful tests with very little overhead.

I’ll now walk through the creation of an example React Component, and demonstrate how to write tests for it. The code is available on GitHub as well.

Create a React App

Facebook has created a wonderful utility called Create React App. It does exactly what it sounds like: creates a React App. It takes care of all the initial configuration and lets you quickly get to writing a app. Just run

npm install -g create-react-app

to install it. Then run

create-react-app test-app

to create an app titled “test-app” in you current directory. Next, run

cd test-app
yarn start

to launch the app, and open it in a new browser tab.

Create a Component

Now that we have a React App, we can create React Components to test. Lets create a simple <ColorLabel /> component. It will simply render a div whose backgroundColor toggles between 'green' and 'red' when clicked. When clicked, it will also invoke a callback function from its props. Make this file: /test-app/src/ColorLabel.jsx and add the following code to it.

import React from 'react';

class ColorLabel extends React.Component {
 constructor(props) {
   this.state = {
     isActive: false,

 render() {
   const { isActive } = this.state;
   const { onClick } = this.props;
   const backgroundColor = isActive ? 'red' : 'green';
   return (
       onClick={() => {
         this.setState({ isActive: !isActive });
       Click Me!

export default ColorLabel;

Next, open test-app/src/App.js and replace its contents with the following:

import React from 'react';
import ColorLabel from './ColorLabel.jsx';

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        onClick={() => console.log('Teehee, that tickles!')}

export default App;

The app should now render as a simple green <div> with the text Click Me! displayed within. Clicking it should toggle the color between green and red, and cause it to log the message “Teehee, that tickles!” to the console.

Create a Test for ColorLabel.jsx

Now that we’ve defined a component, lets write a test for it. Create this file: test-app/__tests__/ColorLabel.test.jsx and add the following code to it:

import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import ColorLabel from '../src/ColorLabel.jsx'

describe('<ColorLabel />', () => {
  it('toggles color when clicked', () => {
    const mockFunc = jest.fn();
    const wrapper = shallow(

Run the Test

Before we can run the test, we need to install the enzyme and react-addons-test-utils modules. Just run:

yarn add enzyme react-addons-test-utils

You’ll also recall that in addition to Enzyme, I previously mentioned Jest. We are actually using Jest in this test as well, but we do not have to explicitly import or install it, because it is taken care of for us by create-react-app.

If you now run yarn test from the root directory (test-app), you will see that our test runs and passes. There are a few things to understand about this test:

  • describe is a function that takes a string name, and a function containing a series of test functions. It indicates a suite of tests.
  • it is a synonym for the test function. It accepts a string name, and a function that will either fail or pass based on the results of the expect call(s).
  • jest.fn() creates a mock function. These can be passed to components just like any other function. They don’t “do” anything, but they expose certain properties that we can inspect to ensure our component is handling it properly.
  • shallow creates an enzyme wrapper object for the passed-in React Component - in this case, <ColorLabel />. Wrappers are useful because they allow us to inspect and manipulate the component they contain.
  • expect will take some value (or expression that evaluates to a value), and compares it to the value specified in the matcher function.
  • toBe is one of the matcher functions in this test. It just does a comparison with the === operator.
  • toHaveBeenCalledTimes is the other matcher function in this test. It simply checks to make sure that the specified mock function was called the specified number of times.

After creating a wrapper for a <ColorLabel /> component with the shallow function, we perform a test:


You’ll notice that the expression we are passing to expect is wrapper.props().style.backgroundColor. This expression first invokes wrapper.props(), which returns the props object of the component which it wraps. We then get the value of backgroundColor for the style prop.

This passes because the initial backgroundColor of a <ColorLabel /> is, indeed, green`.

We then simulate clicking the <ColorLabel /> with


This modifies the state of the component being wrapped just as it does when we click on it in the browser. In the case of our component, it results in the backgroundColor being changed to red. We confirm that is is the case with a second test:


In addition to changing colors when clicked, the <ColorLabel /> component should invoke its onClick prop. We check to make sure this has actually occurred with a third test:


This time the expression we pass to expect is mockFunc, and we check to see if it was called exactly one time. This test passes because our component did indeed call our mock function as we expected it to. If we had made a mistake and our component was failing to invoke the callback when clicked, this test would catch that mistake for us.

Snapshot Testing

This guide only covers the basics of what Jest and Enzyme can do. Another very cool feature that they provide is “snapshot testing”, which allows you to increase code coverage with minimal effort. Snap shot testing also makes it very easy to update your tests to stay in sync with your changing code. This video is a great introduction to the subject.


Unit tests are an important part of any substantial software project, and should be included in any continuous integration system. Writing tests for a user interface is a bit different than writing them for typical backend-type code. However, the React framework facilitates modularization of UI code into components resembling functions. These components can then be rendered, manipulated, inspected, and tested in a virtual DOM using the Jest and Enzyme packages. The result is easy to write and read unit tests that ensure proper functioning of your UI code!